
Beautiful nightmare

Cicero I


1 Year
Extra large
10-28-2014, 08:44 PM

Mountains. Rivers. Lakes. Streams. Trees. Dirt. Rocks. Grass. It was the same damn story everywhere he went. Sure, there was a variation as to how big some of these things were or what kind they were, but when they were boiled down to their basics they were the same thing. It seriously could not get anymore boring than that. Maybe he just set his expectations too high for each new place that he came across. Sadly, there was no way for him to change that, so tough luck he supposed. He might as well make the best of the situation; there was nearly potential in anything if one was willing to look hard enough. Most of the time Cicero was, unless of course said things or people got on his nerves, then, if he was feeling nice, he'd look past them or if he wasn't, he'd simply rip their throats out. As was the adventurous life of Cicero de Luca.

So far, this territory that he'd crossed into hadn't really pulled out any of the stops for him. There were forests, plains, mountains, lakes and yet none of them were in the least bit interesting. They were nice to look at sure, but they didn't really catch the golden and russet boy's attention. Then again, it took a lot to catch his attention, but either way, they weren't that big of a deal. This particular patch of land he'd stumbled on seemed to be a tad more interesting than the rest, seeing as giant slabs of ivory stone lain strewn across as if someone had been tossing rocks and had simply forgotten them here. Other than the rocks themselves, there was nothing else particularly interesting about the place itself. So the boy decided to make things interesting for himself by climbing and scaling the rocks.

The slabs ranged in size, some as big as a deer and just as long, others the size of rabbits while others towered over him, large and imposing, their veins as thick as his talons. They weren't exactly the easiest of things to scrabble on, but it was as good entertainment as any. He had no one to try and manipulate at the moment or use to his advantage for something or the other, so why not try and improve on his physique? He was a yearling now after all, his puppy stage having slowly begun to peel away with the changing of the seasons. In two more season he would be fully grown and he wanted to be in the best shape that he could be. With his smartass mouth he was bound to get himself in some tight spots, so it would be convenient to be able to muscle his way out of them if need be.

"Burn Baby Burn"