


10-28-2014, 09:10 PM

This encounter was definitely unique in many, uncountable ways. Normally, jealousy raged inside her when meeting beautiful women; however, she let all of those feelings go with this gal. Perhaps it was the drugs, or maybe it was really herself seeking new adventures. Nevertheless, it was enjoyable. The two of them would probably never cross paths again after this night. The woman would simply became a faint memory, a ghost that sat quietly in the back of her mind. One in which would be consumed by other memories and eventually forgotten as the rest of the wolves she took pleasure in. The woman showed some resistance at first, though, would eventually give in to her strength and soon give in to her further advances.

In a dance of two lonesome bodies, the pleasure would satisfy her momentarily before drifting off to sleep. Sleep in which seemed all to real from the plants she had consumed. Vivid images and feelings haunted her mind and when the morning came, it was remembered all too well. A frightening experience that she would have to remember to avoid. She had been awakened by a kiss upon her nose. A tender touch that would pull her back to reality. Still lying, she watched the other rise and then walk away. Sun beamed across her body casting an ethereal shadow upon the ground. The image would fade and dance as she made movements, finally settling in a sitting position.

Galactic body would then rise herself, a part of her a bit angry about allowing herself to be taken by a woman so beautiful. Ah, but then another part so completely satisfied. She would take a seat beside the gal, allowing the warmth of the radiant sun to envelop her entirely. Ears would pin against her skull in annoyance, at herself mostly. Marbled eyes would narrow in frustration and a soft growl would fall over her lips. A warning, perhaps, that the next time they meet things may be a bit different. A sign that friendship from a woman was not something she sought.

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