
[A]nd [w]hat is this place?



10-28-2014, 09:50 PM
It was the child's response that surprised Roe the most. She hadn't imagined she'd be welcomed here, much less begged to return. It made her jaw clench and her throat tighten with emotion. It wasn't often she was requested, wanted. Her brother had teased her constantly, and she had been placed in charge of the children only because she had no skills in anything else. The only reason she had always been kept fed was because her pack had found her food. She was a fluid story teller because her head was more in the clouds than willing to memorize herbs and battle tacktics. She was small, tiny, flightly, but build to run and play with the children than to fight. She had no noticeable skills, and so she was always pushed to the back burner. "Really?" She squeaked in a voice far too tight to hide the emotion in her tones. She grinned down at the child before slowly bending down to reach her height. "Tell me, little princess, what stories do you like?" She said with the brightest of smiles.

When Dhiren spoke she lifted herself up, her yellow gaze shining at the offer. "Oh, I'd be honoured." She said with the brightest of smiles. It didn't seem like she'd ever be able to get home anyways, the ocean was far too large to swim, and she doubted the same wave would pull her away from this land. No, her old life, her family, was lost to her. She needn't feel guilty about accepting the offer, about finding a new home. Besides, this pack had children too, so she wasn't as essentially useless as she felt.

"Burn Baby Burn"