
Destiny (Secretua Only)

Eirik I


3 Years
10-28-2014, 10:18 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Whatever funk Amar had been in when Eirik found him lying listlessly on the floor of the Gulley, he seemed to be quickly drawing out of it now. The pale grey wolf grinned as he noticed the amusement his cousin seemed caught up in, rosy pink eyes closing briefly as he finally felt himself beginning to get his breath back. Leave it to checking in on the spotted boy to lift his own spirits after becoming so tired out after only half of his designated work out routine. But if he had to choose, he would have chose spending time with Amarant over duty and work and training every time.

"Nope," he agreed proudly, "Can't be a rock and a Guard at the same time." And it was definitely true. With what his father expected of him, particularly since he was still the only one to take up the rank, he had no chance of allowing himself to slip up or relax. No, he was expected to stay in physical shape, to be at the top of his game, and always ready to deal with unexpected issues that might arise along the pack's border. He only hoped he was currently living up to those expectations. Sometimes earning his father's favor was the hardest thing in the world.

The kid sounded even more like himself the longer he spoke, and his naturally confident attitude started to come out further the more he said. Eirik laughed outright at Amar's amusing remarks, taking his cousin's teasing in stride. He knew the kid was only trying to get a reaction out of him, and because he was supposed to be the more mature of the two he knew he should act it... But then again it was Amar. "Yeah right," he countered, rolling to his side enough to press with a dark paw against his cousin beside him, "You wish you looked like me." A grin spread across his face as he glanced sidelong at Amarant, enjoying poking fun at the kid and glad that he could take it and dish it in turn. It was so much more fun this way.