
here in your arms


10-28-2014, 10:48 PM

Her subtle gestures would be enough for him to relax. He didn't look quite so guilty, but she could still see it written on his face. Haunches would recline as she gazed up curiously at him. Embarrassment would slowly slip away, replaced by once more the easy relaxation she felt around him. She would deny that she had enjoyed his proximity, or his touch, it had sent little bursts of pleasure through her entire body. "Then you come up with something." She would smile again, leaving their next activity up to him. She would no take offense to his embarrassment or the shame that was still etched into his dark features. Her tail twitched against her paws as she patiently waited for him to make up his mind. She couldn't help but relive their embarrassing moment over and over again. The feel of him pressed against her, his encompassing heat, it had all been so enjoyable, she was shocked when he had ripped away from her. She didn't really understand it, but she knew what she liked and didn't like. And she had definitely liked that.
