
Here they come!(Healer will be needed)



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-20-2013, 05:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 06:58 PM by Erani.)

Cormalin and Obsidian, with Nova, were pup sitting for Erani, while she took a long walk to herself. She needed it. She loved them all very dearly, but it was tiring, keeping an eye on six different wolves at once. Nova was less of a worry, but the pups were all over the place. She gave a tired smile as she wandered through the territory. Herbs caught her eye as always. This one for controlling hemorrhages, that for belly aches. The scent of blood reached her nose, a second before the desperate howl for help.

It was birth blood. But there was too much of it. She stood, ears flickering. Preston?s scent was nowhere to be found. Her head whipped to the plant she?d just noted for birthing problems. She was out of rank. She was not allowed to heal unless expressly asked. Her eyes narrowed. Forget Collision. A member of the pack would die if she didn?t move now. Turning, she nipped off the plants she needed and took off with a swift lope.

She came to the scene, offering a soft whuff. It was Thane. Ah. Ookami?s litter had come. She?d heard there were complications in the pregnancy. When it came to her pack?s health, despite her demotion, she kept a close ear on them. Now it seemed the complications had come back to bite them. She gave a deep nod to Thane, then went to the den and looked in. Ookami lay still, blood pumping from her vulva.

Erani stepped back and looked at Thane.