
skinny love


10-29-2014, 12:39 AM

Words couldn't explain how happy, yet emotional she was at that moment. It was all a tight and confusing mixture of feelings. Guilt, relief, comfort, happiness, security. All bundled up into one big ball of uncontrollable emotions. And it was almost overwhelming to be thrown onto her shoulders so quickly and suddenly. The girl just wanted to be closer to Bass...she wanted to feel his warmth, his nose buried deep into her neck. Even if she was just a bag of bones right now. She wanted him. She wanted him in ways she couldn't think about now...she was too hungry, too exhausted to even allow it to haunt her mind. Nevertheless, she was happy that he was at least close enough to feel him pressed up next to her. To hear his honey-like words, kissing her ears ever so gently and making her feel so comfortable. Because for the past few weeks or so that she has been absent from Abaven, she received none of that. None. And to feel it triggered a new needy feeling that made her heart beat faster in her chest. To the point where it was even loud and clear enough for others to hear.
She watched him with a pained look as he shook his head to her words, her ears lying flat against her skull as she tried to fight the roaring emotions that screamed out to her. You damn witch. You left him without a word of explanation. You should feel ashamed of yourself. It was all she could hear in her mind, up until he slowly moved to his feet beside her. They were going to their den...and once again, she would get to feel his warmth. Just like she did when they began meeting on the the Hot Springs. Singing, talking, beginning to understand each others weaknesses and strengths. When she slowly began falling in love with him---and that absolutely awkward relationship they had with one another. What was it called...skinny love? When two lovers were too shy or nervous to really confess their feelings. And yet, they both knew how they felt about one another. They both knew they were more than friends. And sometimes, they not only knew, but they acted like they were more than friends. Haha, what a casual expression. But the verbal mentioning of it brought a whole new series of emotions sweeping right through her.
It caused her to stagger lightly and nearly trip as they made their way to their den. But before she could, she leaned into Bass and breathed out an anxious sigh, eyelids nearly falling over her eyes completely. Her paws found the ground momentarily afterward...and they continued on, before reaching the mouth of their destination. The den. It smelt only of Bass, all over it. And this would change. She would make sure it would. Her eyes slowly turned to Bass nervously as they entered together. Then, she lowered down in a comfortable position, welcoming Bass beside her with a weak, uneven smile.
Another large pang of guilt shook her as the boy curled around her. She knew how addicting someone's heat was. Especially her husband's heat. It was like a drug...addictive, hard to leave behind. So she couldn't imagine how Bass felt right now. Coiled around the bag of bones she was with absolutely no heat being exchanged. Just being shared, from him to her and that was it. It made her want to cry even more, while continuing to ask herself how and why she ended up in this rather humiliating, and depressing situation. But Bass's warm tone that fluttered in her ears, and the gentle kisses along her face caused her to break away from the thoughts. And instead, she decided to think about how lucky she was to be the wife of someone as caring as Bass. She could have definitely ended up with someone who would instantly reject her for leaving without notice. But Bass...he was always there for her, with open arms as wide as ever. She could trust him completely...and she really did love him. Her heart would forever belong to him.
Suddenly, as the two finally found themselves huddled and warm inside the den, Bass began to speak. But in a different language...Italian. It once again brought back the emotional memory of the night they sang together. Their voices was so beautiful. She wishes something like that could happen again. Not anytime soon, though! Her voice sounded disgusting now. She'd have to wait it out..."Il mio amore , la mia vita." It was nice...that they both knew Italian. She could understand him perfectly. Flawlessly. And if she really wanted to, she could reply in that same exact language. I forgive you with all of my heart. She translated to herself silently, a true smile finding it's way across her lips. That's all she wanted to hear. That he forgave her. Thank the stars, thank the stars. Now she could relax...
He simply asked her if she was hungry, but she decided she'd eat later. The girl was stressed out, and she needed Bass. Just that needy still lingered. The girl simply shook her head and sent him a hopeful smile, welcoming his gentle kisses down her face and neck. Like Bass, she missed the way she could nip and nuzzle into her fur. So she felt welcomed into him, as she leaned into him and began nuzzling into his neck gently, adding in a few harmless nips to his ghostly white fur every so often. While she allowed herself to do so, she whispered, "I love you," Before continuing her attempts to relax make herself feel safe again. With Bass...she wanted to relieve the needy feeling that caused her heart to beat rapidly in her chest when she felt his overwhelming warmth sweep through her. "I will never leave you again."
She would say simply to him, weak voice hushed as she continued to nuzzle into him. So happy to be here with him again. But a part of her was nervous...because it tried to convince her that this was all either an illusion, or a screwed up dream. The emotions that were building in her chest were definitely nothing imaginary...she knew that for sure. She's never had this needy feeling toward Bass. It was weird...she just wanted to be closer to him, when she was already practically sprawled out in his this point, she wanted to continue talking. But she found herself too caught into the moment. The warmth. The comfort she was experiencing.