
there's nothing holding you back



8 Years
Extra large
10-29-2014, 01:39 PM

Shai had kept himself far from the place of his betrayal, while once the Cathedral had been his most frequented place he had now banished himself to the massive oaks. There were few tribal scents here, and so very many places to keep himself to himself. He?d run here, trying to escape the guilt and the regret that sapped at his soul. Of course such actions would help him none. He?d isolate himself from the friends and family that lived within the continent, wondering if Gwena had told them of his dark deed.
He?d sigh softly, his form looking quite sunken from the days alone. He?d not found it in him to hunt, and he?d barely partaken in the water that he?d found. He felt useless, listless, and not worth the air that he would breathe. The goddess had been even more quiet than before, another sign that she had found disappointment within him. Still, he?d feel himself question her ways. He?d blame her for the decisions he?d make, reasoning that had she appointed him as oracle?s guardian in the first place he would not have been so susceptible to temptation. He wanted to curse Motif, and her seduction, but he found himself very much unable to do such. Eventually the blame would fall back to him, and he?d find it hard to live with those thoughts.
His long legs would fall over the side of the massive log he sat upon. He was easily twice his height from the ground. Bright eyes seemed dull as he looked out over the giant groves, he would feel immensely small within their presence.

"yoruban" "english"

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