
tear out all your tenderness


10-29-2014, 02:28 PM

She would frown at his words, ears pulling back against her crown. His voice was rough, and he appeared to be grouchy about something. He had asked to take a look at his wound, she hadnt forced him, there was no reason for his sudden annoyance. "Yea." Her tones were frosty, lashing out with the snap of a whip.

He would flip to his other side, the movement pressing them tightly together. Her flesh immediately came to life beneath his warmth, spreading like a fire across her skin. A slight shiver would run down her spine, she tried to control it, to act unaffected, as she had no idea if it had affected him or not. He would begin to explain, breaking her out of her daydream. He spoke of a woman and immediately ice spread through her veins. It was always a woman, another woman. She clamped down on her emotions, refusing to let anything break through the surface. Eventually she stopped listening, not really wanting to hear about this mystery woman. His sigh would tug at her attention, forcing her to listen.

He would voice what they wanted. Were all these northerns malicious? Would they invade and take everything from her? Or were there those who could be befriended, that were kind and would leave her people in peace. A sigh would mingle with a growl, vibrating her smaller form. Damn that storm. If there had never been a storm, they would never be facing this unknown enemy. They would continue to live in peace. "You guys seem to have the luck in meeting pleasant northern wolves." She had realized that she had implied more than just him. Both Shai and Skah had gotten to meet pleasant women that had caught their eye, perhaps she would get the chance to meet a nice guy.
