
Like a woman scorned


10-29-2014, 02:39 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2014, 01:58 AM by Crucifix.)

It burned. Her skin was on fire, sensitive to the new sense of life that flowed through her veins. Her crown was lifted high, her tail curled easily about her hips. Her eye blazed, looking like verdant flames. She had seen Maija to the border, escorting her to the edge of the forest, before seeing the woman set off to return to her home. She had taken some time to groom her pelt, working until she looked like fire. Old wounds had left behind only scars, marks of her knowledge and experience. New wounds were steadily healing, screaming to the world that she was a fighter, a dangerous opponent. Her missing eye was no longer a disability, but merely another trophy that spoke her tales. Power radiated from her, it oozed from her pours relentlessly. The forest was quiet around her, seeming to know the change that had taken place within the newly reborn Queen.

Her crown would tip back, a melody flowing from her lips. Her voice boomed across the forest, resounding with renewed life. Birds took flight, smaller creatures scurried away from her. When her call came to an end, she remained standing, still as a statue. She wished for her mates presence. The very presence he had dared to deny her in her time of need. But no longer. She stood waiting, a strange patience surrounding her. She didn't try to listen for his approach, she didn't wait anxiously. No, she remained calm and collected, allowing him to take his time if he wished. But sooner or later, he would have to come.

"Burn Baby Burn"