
Like a woman scorned


10-29-2014, 03:45 PM

He would look shocked, his own anger flaring up at her words. He would step towards her, but stopped, still keeping space between them. His angry words did nothing to soothe her, for his next words were like a slap the face. His gaze would drop, his voice doing to the same. She would rock back, her eye narrowing to a dangerous slit. Part of her had hoped that she would be wrong, but she wasn't. She had been right. The more he spoke, the angrier she got. He accused her abandoning her children, leaving them entirely defenseless. Her lips would peel back to reveal daggers, ears pulling back against her crown. Her hackles would bristle as words continued to spill from his lips. His final words would drop the guillotine. He had no idea who she was anymore.

She would take a step forward so the tips of their pelt touched. She used her larger height to her advantage, her nose dipping down as she glared him. She was so angry she was at loss for words. A low growl left her throat before she finally able to form a though. "I have never abandoned my children, and don't you dare ever accuse me of doing do." Her clicked shut angrily, rage pouring off her. He didn't know her anymore. All this because she had gone out for a walk, and just so happened to run into someone who hated her. All this because she had been bested by another. His words had cut deep, opening a new wound that gushed raw emotion. "Stay away from me." Words were toxic, angry dissipating into hurt.

"Burn Baby Burn"