
there's nothing holding you back



8 Years
Extra large
10-29-2014, 03:52 PM

He wasn?t sure how to speak to his deity about his woes now, surely she would scorn him. Should he seek her out now a bolt of lightning was sure to strike him from the giant fallen tree. The lands here were not as quiet as the cathedral was, but with the winter cold right around the corner most noise making birds had fled the glade. His thoughts would remain uninterrupted for a long time, his form sitting stiffly upon his throne of shame. He?d been so careless, throwing away the best thing that had happened to him for a single night of reckless pleasure. He?d felt a real connection to Gwena and her spunky self. His lips would turn up ever so slightly at the thought of their recent day together, though the memory would also cause him pain at the realisation that they?d never share that again. He?d broken his own heart when he?d slept with Motif.
Quiet thoughts would be interrupted by the sound of pawsteps, his hackles would rise. He didn?t wish for company, he wanted to be alone in his misery. He?d almost growl as the sight of Gwena would appear before him, looking just as dejected and unaware as he felt. His ears would swivel forward as his eyes trained on her. Hackles would return to normal as he kept himself silent, finding himself unable to break his eyes away from her form. He would keep himself quiet for a few long moments, knowing it was likely to be a long time before he ever saw her this open again. As well he would debate if he wished to say anything, was there anything he could say? She?d obviously done the same as he, came here to be alone, away from him. Why would he ruin that for her?
Finally he?d give in, she was a few wolf lengths past his perch but he knew he needed to try again. He didn?t want this feeling to fill him forever. Gracefully the tall beast would slide from the massive log, long limbs reach out to meet the earth with a thud and the disturbance of the fallen leaves. His ears would still lay against his skull as his bright eyes fell on her, look still apologetic. His head would rest even with his shoulders as his tail would hang listlessly from his hindquarters. "Gwena," he?d start, not knowing if he?d be able to finish.

"yoruban" "english"

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