
Rankira awaits you


05-20-2013, 07:14 PM


Teeth dug into tender flesh, crimson liquid filling his mouth. His attack had worked, and now he could work on pinning this kid and demanding an explanation. But, Valkis did something he was not expecting. He instantly started squirming, the lords teeth digging and ripping deeper into his flesh he did so. His entire body jerked, and Kaios's head swayed along with it as he kept his grip. Somehow the boys head and twisted inside his mouth, and now his muzzle was facing his exposed chest and throat. He quickly tucked his chin, grip loosening on the boys neck, but he'd rather protect his vitals then keep him locked between his jaws. He could always grab him again, but he wouldn't be able to take back a ripped out jugular. Lips curled as he snarled, saliva and blood dripping from the opened corners of his mouth. Suddenly the boy went limp, and since Kaios wasn't expecting this, his head dragged down a foot or so from the dead weight. Before he could pull him back up teeth grazed his chest, and claws dug into his bleeding shoulder. Now that hurt. He snarled a vicious sound as he jerked himself away, releasing his grip around the boys neck. He reared up, powerful back legs supporting his massive frame as he went up and came down on this male. Now he had done it. This was a match to the death, and Kaios would not let him win. The boy fell beneath him, crimson pelt flashing as he tried to regain himself, but Kaios was too quick. He came down, all his weight and momentum put into his front paws. He was hoping to pin the bastard while he was still down on the earth

Attack: Let go of Valkis's neck, reared up, and came down with all his weight put into his front legs. He's hoping to pin him so he can get a lethal grip on something.
Defenses: Ears pinned, teeth bared, legs spread evenly for balance, claws hooked so he can grab onto any flesh his paws touch.
Injuries: Gash on right shoulder, scratches on chest, claw marks around damaged shoulder