
Like a woman scorned



2 Years
10-29-2014, 06:16 PM

He would stand his ground, begging for some sight of the Sibelle he had known and loved, yes that Sibelle had been of fire, but it had been a fire he could relate to and love. This fire was one that threatened to tear down his world, one that threatened to break him and everything he had ever created with her, Solstice, their children, their lives, this fire could not be the Sibelle he loved. His words would actually break through, at last, something he said did not make her want to tear him apart, she stuttered out a word, and even well his heart continued breaking, it wasn't an irreversible break, it wasn't a break without hope. He could see her falling apart, and in her breaking he could see the Sibelle he had loved and lost. She would begin to walk away from him, but he couldn't stand to see that of her. ?Sibelle!? he called out, but voice barely made it through his dry throat. He blinked back his tears, cleared his throat and tried again ?Sibelle, don't go, if.. if your willing.. I want to work this out.. together, as a team? he said softly, but he made no move to go after her. Even know, he did not want to push her, even if not pushing her seemed to be what got him in this mess in the first place, he still couldn't bring himself to force her presence upon her, after everything, no matter how much he sacrificed for her, it had to her choice to be with him, and that was the way it would always be, and so long as she wanted him, he would show her love.
