
A little too far from home [Valentine]



4 Years
10-29-2014, 07:04 PM
She listened so intently to him that the world could expload behind her and she wouldn't have noticed. Carnation eyes stared so boldly at him, calculating and darkened as she felt her heart beat strongly in her chest. This Valentine, he certainly knew the magic words. She smirked then, turning her head down towards her apple and rolling it absently. "You set a fire in my veins." She practically purred, lifting her eyes back up to him. This pack, it sounded like heaven. She didn't want neutrality, she didn't want a boring life. She wanted excitement, to battle, to grow stronger and she knew her brother did too. It was the only way she felt safe. They didn't feel safe if they were at a standstill, they only felt safe if they trained, if they moved, if they fought. They had to keep moving and improving, it was in their blood.

"My brother and I, we are a product of war. Raised, trained and lived as warriors, and we are looking for a certain type of pack to sign our loyalty too." Eyes narrowed just slightly, but their determination continued to shine through as she stared up at Valentine. He could quite possibly have the answer to her dilemma, to her mission. Her entire life was her brother, and she wanted nothing more than to make his life the exact thing he wanted. She wanted him to feel strong, to get into the battle field, to be everything he could possibly be. "Imperium..." She breathed again, glancing towards the apple once more, a contemplative smile upon her face. "It sound like heaven.."

"Burn Baby Burn"