
Twice Wronged


10-29-2014, 07:21 PM

The call that rang out for her was not one she ever expected to hear again. She had not forced her friend to stay when she fled, nor had she forced her to return. But a smile would lift her lips as she headed towards the woman, anxious to see her again. It didn't take long to find her huddle form amongst the trees, she still smelled of Solstice. "Ekko!" She would rush forward with a smile, bombarding the woman with affection even as she cowered. Her tail would wag furiously, happy to see that her companion was still well and uninjured. "I've missed you." She would mumble happily into the woman's fur, burying her face in her neck. It had been so long since she had the woman's company, she missed her quiet presence and the occasion fiery temper she showed. She didn't know if Ekko knew of everything that had happened, her lost eye, her kidnapping, the children, or more recently, her explosive fight with Cru. But it was all temporarily set aside for the return of her companion, and she couldn't be happier.

"Burn Baby Burn"