
Beautiful nightmare


10-29-2014, 08:16 PM

He had heard her. His silver gaze would seek her out, his movements pausing as his brow lifted. But he did nothing, he went back to climbing, ignoring her once more. Her own brow would lift curiously. So she was gonna have to work his attention. Very well. She liked a challenge, and he seemed like just, a challenge. Her chest would press against the earth, her hips flipping to the side as she made herself comfortable. Her afternoon just got interesting. She continued to watch him, his vibrant pelt easily picked out against the stone. Her tail lashed back and forth, the beauty of the place lost her. She had eyes only for one right now.

"I hope you fall." Her voice was just loud enough to be heard. Despite what she said, her tones were sweet and silky. A smirk toyed with her lips, her emerald gaze watching curiously, waiting for a paw to slip against the smooth surfaces, or for a slab to shift beneath his weight. A low bubble of laughter would roll off her tongue, audits remaining tipped forward. She had never met one like him, she wanted him to come closer, to spend a little time with her so she could get to know him better. Her eyes raked his features, he had to be about as large as her, so was he the same age? Had she finally found someone her age that was significantly smaller and weak?

"Burn Baby Burn"