



10-29-2014, 09:01 PM

Out-of-Character Name: FOX

How did you get here?: Well, you see kids, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much...

Age: 19

Character's Name: Razo

Age: 4 Years

Season of Birth: Autumn

Adult Height: 42"

Appearance Description: Razo is a hulking behemoth of a man. There are few wolves in existence larger than he, and damned if he doesn't know it. This monster stands at 42? and weighs in at 205lbs. He has an ancient look to his build; his claws and fangs are disproportionate in the slightest degree, his ears not quite large enough for his frame, a somewhat short tail. His coat is striking, his features bearing brutish masculinity. His shoulders are broad, and his chest deep, tapering into a corded, lithe abdomen. His coat is lush, giving an added and completely unnecessary illusion of size. When soaking wet, one can see very defined muscle cording his frame. The fur fur parts in many locations, showing ragged scars, all clearly evident of past battles. His base is a pale honey brown, with cream running along his stomach and up, tapering into a point along his muzzle and ringing his neck. Dark brown runs along his back, tail, flecking into a thick mane. His back paws bear the same brown, fading into the rest of his coat at the elbows. Each paw is dipped in ivory. His eye's glimmer the pure, striking blue of tropical waters, and shine with silver flecks.

Calling: Paladin

Proof of Purchases: LINK

It's there, just dark against the table. Also, I did not pay for the full six, as if I remember correctly, I had been awarded 2" from the Christmas competition.

"Talk" Think "You"
Some walk the common paths, all nice and worn

But all folks are damaged goods

It ain't a talk of "if," just one of "when" and "how"

So, collect your scars and wear 'em well