
What A Beautiful Mess


10-29-2014, 09:09 PM

The land was thick with the insects, casting a golden glow over the land that intertwined so beautifully from the stars' silver light. Marbled eyes resembled the galaxy's precious gases. Swirling forms of air that made mixtures of colors that painters would envy. And, at this moment, she felt like she completely belonged. Like this planet, this life, was worth living and that she no longer had to search for a reason to feel attached. Wonders? Everything in life is wonder. It's like the stars. A canvas of specks that don't really connect when we look forward. But looking back, after drawing life's path, it makes an image we can understand.

She would look at the man, eyes seemingly ignited with a true happiness, a sparkle of joy making them glow radiantly. No. I think they are completely happy with who they are. We never really change overtime. You will always be who you have always been. We simply become more of who we are. And you hiding, disguising yourself, it was you. It's what makes up your personality. The tenderness to hide your inner being. It wasn't ever really a mask if you think about it. She was unsure if he would understand, it was a complicated thought. But, one she believed in, nonetheless.

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