
talk to me honey, if you think it's funny


05-20-2013, 08:34 PM

The thought that swimming this time of year might in any way be considered a bad idea had not come anywhere near the functioning part of his brain. Gerhardt Mathias was simply doing what felt right, what felt good. The numbing sensation of the water - which should be thought of as a dangerous thing - was everything that he needed and desired at this moment in time. He lingered in the same place, allowing the water to flow over his bodice freely, every inch of him tingling with sensations and feelings of numbness and emptiness. He would have to remember this soothing feeling for the next time an ex-wife with no memory came back in heat hoping to screw his brains out. He let out an audible snort at that thought. He doubted that could ever happen twice.

A chuff would alert him that someone was nearby, but he ignored it. He doubted anyone was seeking him out at this time, though a nagging feeling in his scruff told him he was being watched. The sun had not yet risen high enough to warm the water, and so it continued to cool him as he turned instinctively when her voice mingled in the autumn air. Elphaba. In her own way she was calling him a fool for being in the water, though he didn't blame her. He was a fool - in more ways than one. Flicking an ear back at the thought of leaving his own personal detox, Gerhardt reluctantly moved for the shore. Powerful legs would bring him up onto the bank, dripping wet and now shivering due to the cold air. He shook, being careful to spare her from any stray droplets, and then marched listlessly toward the woman, catching her joking comment as he did so. "Clogged nose or not, his day will come." Words were direct and venomous, without a single hint of anything good. The King was in a bad place emotionally.

Gerhardt rocked back onto his haunches, still damp but no longer dripping. "What brings you all the way out here?" Of course she could have been coming for a drink, though it didn't seem so since she hadn't taken it yet. Perhaps she'd been looking for him, or heard him go into the water. Whatever the case, the King was rather glad she was here. The events of the past night had shaken him up physically and mentally, and he was in desperate need of a conversation - even an innocent one to distract him from reality.
