
Walking In Circles



3 Years
10-30-2014, 02:36 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The trees here were weird. Miksa sat below one and stared upward from beside its trunk into the spindly branches that hung all around him, encircling where he sat. Even under just slight winds they moved and danced, waving about and showing off their leaves in a quiet rustle. Bright yellow eyes shifted from one cord-like branch to the next as he wondered why it was they looked so funny. Up where he had come from you never would have seen trees like these. No, the hardy pines of the north were sturdy and rigid, growing upward and not downward. How had everything gotten so turned around down here?

Just a little his head began to lean to the side, but even as he felt himself starting to zone out with the train of his thoughts the mostly white boy brought himself back to the present. This was Solstice, a pack in the south. He was no longer surrounded by what was familiar, did no longer only have his mother and brother to keep him company. Instead he was in a new and funny place that he still did not understand, surrounded by wolves that he did not know. And being the nervous sort, he found it all very intimidating.

Shtiya on the other hand was probably doing well. His brother was as friendly as anyone could be, bold, brave, and unafraid. He was practically everything Miksa was not, and though it bothered the yellow-eyed pup it was not nearly as big a bother as just knowing he could not adapt as quickly. Already his family had been a part of this new pack for almost two months and he was still learning how to fit in. Was it supposed to take this long? Was this normal? He felt lost within his thoughts, stuck in a circle as he tried to figure out what exactly was wrong but kept avoiding socializing though it likely would have cured him of his funk. Even now he only sighed and got to his paws again to traipse about some more through these weird willow trees, thinking about his problems when really he should have been acting on them.