
Black Holes and Revelations



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-20-2013, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 08:54 PM by Epiphron.)

It was the first time Epiphron had gotten a real taste of power -- she was the sole decider of whether Luce would be able to see Neo. She could spew hateful words at the woman, and she would remain unaffected, as though she would move mountains for the boy. And why, she had no idea! She'd never been in such a position, and oh how she wanted more! And yet she knew it was imprudent to let her passions get the best of her; there was no use in arguing with this woman, despite how thrilling it felt to let her temper take over and morph her into something far more sinister than she ever knew was possible.

But instead she was silent, nearly motionless, except for her eyelids lowering to partially conceal her blue eyes. A slight quiver of her lip revealed a single pearly white fang beneath, but soon she relaxed. No further words needed to be spoken. Did Luce not understand that it mattered not whether Neo was unhappy here? He had betrayed Valhalla, and his punishment was not dependent upon whether he was pleased with it or not. The thought nearly make her laugh, the slightest hint of a smirk toying with the corners of her black lips, but the expression faded into nothingness quickly. Over and over Luce said she did not see his leaving as betrayal; if only the matter at hand was as simple as him leaving. No, he had spoken to Kaien with the hopes of starting a war, of seeing members of Valhalla bleed and die from the pressure of his own jaws.

But the conversation would die quickly, as they both realized Neo had not shown up. Perhaps he had not expected her to let Luce speak to him? Doubted she was here at all? Stupid boy; his lack of respect would, once again, be his downfall. A slight sneer fell from her lips, though her annoyance was -- once again -- directed not at Luce, but at the one she had once called her brother. "I promise that I will tell Neo you came for him, and that he has impregnated you." More cruel words threatened to bubble over, but she held her tongue. She refused to call him a father in any sense, since he had refused to even answer Epiphron's call... if he didn't give a damn about Luce, why would she expect him to care for their children?

Perhaps Luce was better fit to be a parent on her own. Perhaps things would be better this way. "..'til we meet again, Luce," she said, lyrics void of emotion, though her tones were strangely serious. It seemed not only possible, but very likely, that they might run across one another in the future. She could only hope. While she didn't like the female, she sparked something in her that no one else ever had -- hate, disgust, fury -- and she reveled in how the passion felt, lodged deep inside her chest. With a simple nod as Luce turned to leave, Epiphron also turned to lope away, towards her home.

- exit -