
humming a tune

Psalm 1


2 Years
10-30-2014, 02:46 PM

Oh if only momma Ara and mommy Novel knew where he was right now he was sure that he would be in so. much. trouble. He also knew that they?d never find out. He was almost old enough to really not need supervision, so while both of his mothers were busy with other things he?d slipped away and to his surprise out of the territory. The small boy had easy crossed that invisible border with out even looking back, the run in with his father had not scared him from the outside world or wolves he did not know. His bravery was at an all time high as he plodded over the unknown terra. He had a plan to get back, he always followed his scent back home. Today would mark the first day that he would travel out of Sawtooth by himself.
He felt like he should have been close to having explored the whole world by now, his paws were sore and his throat was dry, he was uncomfortable and this was quickly becoming the worst adventure ever. However that was when he heard the voice. A long line of ?hellos? would echo to his ears and the young Destruction had to follow where it had come from. Eagerly his ears would perk up and his tail would wag erratically. Quickly he?d find himself before a cave and an odd looking man. Not that the Destructions were very normal, but he?d never really seen anyone with those colors before. Tilting his head curiously and beaming up at the stranger with wide blue eyes and goofy grin he?d say hello. "Hello!" The greeting was loud enough that his own hello would echo back from the caves. His eyes would grow even wider as his features would turn quickly towards the sounds of his voice reverberating back to him.


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