
These Haunting Memories


10-30-2014, 02:53 PM

He had been lingering, still unsure what to do about all of this. There was so much weight on this choice that he had to make, and not enough time for him to pick. He had heard his parents howl, claiming lands under their rule once more. But Helios had said that if he didn't decide soon, that he would not be welcomed back. That the Olympians were no longer his family. It broke his heart, that they wouldn't be around. That they called him a traitor for following his heart. They had always told him to follow his heart, to follow the path that the gods had carved for him. Well, his path led him to Chryseis. He wouldn't give her up, for he loved the woman with all of his heart. Pacing along the outside edge of the boundaries, he was careful not to step on Katja's land. His love had seemed happy the last time that he saw her, and he didn't want to ruin things for her again. Flaring his nostrils to pick up the scent around him, he tried to see if the black and gold woman was around. Guess not. So the albino man tipped back his head and let out a howl for her, his song stretching out far and wide. He had chosen her. There would be no going back to his family after this, all there was to do now was to see what she said. Apollo couldn't stand being away from her any longer, and he was willing to take the punishment that came with it. If is family couldn't see that he was in love... well then he wasn't quite sure what to say. It wasn't easy to walk away from either, but Helios' short timeline had pushed him over the edge. Pantheon now stood tall as the new Olympus pack, and he marked a traitor.

"Hear Me Talk,"'Read My Thoughts.'