
Take a Break



2 Years
10-30-2014, 03:39 PM

The slender and nimble body would swiftly travel through the valley, effortlessly leaping over the narrow streams that winded through the grass. The sun was up, brighter than usual, illuminating the grass to a sparkling emerald. The valley stretched further than his snake-like gaze could see. He had spent too long in dark, abandoned and lifeless places. He needed fresh air and a break. Even night stalker's find themselves tired out of their nightly routine.

His own rogue life wasn't the best that he had expected it to be. The man had been having second thoughts on looking for a pack. Perhaps his loner life seemed to be growing more boring with each step he took. What was that pack that the grey she-wolf once spoke of? Arca? No, Arcanum. Temptation was indeed an emotion he could not resist, but if he stumbled across anything interesting today, he might as well change his mind.

Against the emerald grass, his somber gaze would spot another brown soul resting contently with their chin to their paws. The other wolf looked so pleasant and relaxed in their position but of course, the sleek shadow would have to lumber over and disturb the silence. If the other wolf desired company then that was more than what the male could bring, if not, he was better off to stalk another stunning creature in the ways of his charming self.

"Hello." Is all he would say in an amused tone, seating himself on his haunches by the other wolf and inviting himself into their presence. He wouldn't meet the hazel wolf's eyes, instead his own eyes would look out along the hills and valleys (when really there was nothing to be seen but the green). He awaited the response, whether the wolf may be startled, annoyed or perhaps...delighted.
