
Wren x Bass Babies!


10-30-2014, 03:47 PM
Full Name: Shrike Destruction
Alignment: Neutral Good
Design: My own~
user posted image

Height:: 31? || Weight:: 112lbs Traits:: Tall || Long Body || Smaller Than Average Ears || Slender Muzzle || Slim || Muscled Thighs and Shoulders

Primary Coat:: White #FFFFFF
Secondary Colors:: Silver (Inner Ear) #F3F3F3 || Black (Nose) #1E1E1E
Eyes:: Light Green (Right) #BAD887 || Faded Yellow (Left) #F9E17C
Marking Color One:: Tan (Diamond-like Face Mark, Middle Body, Lower Third Of Tail) #CCB288
Marking Color Two:: Faded Brown (Base Of Right Ear, Dorsal Half Of Body Including Shoulders And Thighs, Tail Tip) #7B6550
Marking Color Three:: Black (Tip of Right Ear, Left Ear, Legs, Destruction Under-Eye Marking) #181818

Shrike Lineart Ref -Click Me.-

Shrike is what would be considered an average sized wolf, being of medium stature. He is, however, tall for this particular build. His body, much like his mother Wren?s, is long and slim with a lack of defined muscle upon the majority of his body. His shoulders and thighs, however, are the most noticeable places for the muscles this young man has. As a whole his body is built more for the sake of speed and flexibility rather than brute force and power.

Overall Shrike is nothing too spectacular to look at in terms of his build, though he might tell you otherwise. The only other things to take special note of are his smaller than average ears and slender muzzle, giving his face a more thoughtful look. He could be considered attractive, though he is hardly that gorgeous man that everyone chases after. Shrike takes careful pride in his appearance, just like his mannerisms, in making sure that he is carefully groomed and clean the majority of the time.

For a wolf of Destruction lineage Shrike has a bit more of a complex design. This is thanks to Wren?s genetics. The primary coloration upon Shrike?s body is white, with markings of tan, brown, and black found upon his form. The dorsal half of his body, excluding his head, is draped in faded brown. The base of Shrike?s right ear, as well as his tail tip, is the same shade of brown. Upon his face, like his father, is a diamond-like mark of tan, the same color as the lower third half of his tail excluding the tip. Below the faded brown on Shrike?s sides is tan.

The young male has also inherited even darker coloring from his mother?s side, having four black legs, fully black left ear, and a his right ear tipped in black. Just like his siblings Shrike bears one of the Destruction Family markings under his eyes which are also black. He has heterochromia, a trait more common in the Destruction line, with his right eye being light green ad his left eye being a faded yellow.


Nature:: Dominant || Favored Skill:: Healing
Good Traits:: Honest, Loyal, Protective, Kind, Patient, Good Listener, Well Spoken, Open Minded

Bad Traits:: Blunt, Grudge Holder, Narcissistic, Slow-Learner, Compulsive, Gullible, Flirtatious

At a glance one would say Shrike?s overall demeanor is that of a neutral good wolf. He has a kind heart and an open mind, willing to accept those of all different natures. Being the son of the leaders of Abaven, one might assume it natural that he would have good manners when speaking with others. When he speaks he is well spoken, not one to use slang terms or the ?less intelligent sort of vocabulary of swear words. He is a good listener, offering a shoulder to cry on and advice for those in trouble. However, if the situation is more than just a theoretical thing, sometimes this young man jumps into action first rather than thinking because of his compulsive trait.

Regardless of what path his life takes him down Shrike will be loyal to his family above all else, his pack following second. His family are precious beings, irreplaceable, and he considers his pack to be just an extension of that family. Even when he leaps into action because of his compulsive trait he does it because he is protective of those he cares about, and those who are innocent.

One thing that others can be sure of is that Shrike is an honest wolf, however he is known for being blunt when expressing his opinion. He does not aim to hurt others, however he is not one to sugar coat how he feels on a subject. While Shrike does not have a flaring temper, when he is angry with a wolf he would hold back nothing, speaking in a sharp tongue and clever words. He is one who would hold grudges, and will not be easy to earn forgiveness from if he feels you have wronged either the ones he loves or himself.

Like all wolves Shrike also has his other flaws as well. While he favors learning about herblore and such things along that nature he is a slow learner. This is not because of any learning disorder, however, but because Shrike learns best by doing the action rather than watching it or listening to how it?s done. While Shrike won?t trust everyone he is rather gullible into believing things that are not true, sometimes causing him to further spread rumors.

One of the more major flaws in regards to Shrike also lies in his bloodline. Since he is from a large family and such high ranking wolves he will be the narcissistic sort, paying himself compliments and such even if it is more an internal thought. While he loves himself Shrike will also have a flirtatious side, regardless of gender. This young man could honestly swing either way as long as you?re appealing to look at and have a good personality.

Relationship with family: Shrike will be incredibly close to his family, though he might offend some of them depending on their own natures due to his blunt manner of speaking. He will always be there for them, regardless of what happens.
Ideas for rank: Healer who doubles as a messenger. Minor fighting things. {Kinda like a field medic type thing.}
RP sample: The child would breath in, the scents of the world filling his nose while the sounds filled his ears. Today was the day, the first day the litter of Bass and Wren would be allowed to adventure from the den. Upon seeing the world, or rather just the small slice of it where his family lived, the young man would have so many thoughts, so many questions. The boy was full of wonder, his bi-colored eyes wide in amazement. This... This was the world that his parents were able to see every day of their lives. This was the world he was going to be a big part of one day.

There was so much awe -- where did one even begin to learn about the world? There was green stuff under his paws, blue stuff and white stuff so high above him he couldn?t reach and so, so much more! Slowly, as if enchanted, Shrike would take a step forward. ?Mama, Papa, e?rrythin? is so bootiful...? His words, even if they were the high pitched squeak of a pup, had a certain elegance to them. Shrike practiced hard to speak like his mother and father, to not have his words sound so different. He wanted to sound good to others, as his parents did to him.

Something would then catch the attention of the small child. Something on the ground... It moved! The boy would lower his front half to the ground, rear in the air with his tail curling over his back as he stalked towards the strange creature. It was small but it hopped really far! Looking at it more closely he would see that it had six legs. Ewww!!! ?Mama! Papa! Som?in? wrong wiff it! It?s got too many legs!? He?d say, as if somehow his parents would take the two extra horrible legs off this abomination of a creature.