
The Hunt is On



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-20-2013, 09:22 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 09:23 PM by Epiphron.)

Azalea. Epiphron had never been terribly close to her niece, and the realization that she had never really had a one-on-one conversation her made Valhalla's newest Alpha especially inclined to seek her out. She'd suggested a hunt, something casual and low-pressure. Epiphron had been growing slightly irritable, from Luce's sudden arrival on Valhalla's border -- and Neo's lack of presence, despite her call to him. She also was somewhat restless, unsure of the leadership changes that were taking place. It seemed that Collision had backed down slightly, and she wondered whether he father would call the pack together soon. Truthfully, it seemed like that was just what he was going to do... but then again, she knew Cairo better than most.

Despite the worries that plagued her incessantly -- and, surprisingly, Maverick was slowly becoming lost, pushed back into the very depths of her mind -- she was always willing to put time aside for her close family. While ruling Valhalla was very high on her list of priorities, making time for her family was easily a contender. And the thought of spending time with her young niece was enough to lighten the weight of the world from her shoulders.

A smile even managed to find its way onto her face as she padded towards their designated meeting spot, the red-furred face of Azalea appearing in the distance. In many ways, the girl looked like Chrysanthe, despite their lack of direct blood relation. The resemblance was startling, but pleased her infinitely as she approached, eyes wandering over the girl. No longer a child, but something much closer to an adult, she was certainly growing to be quite lovely, nearly her own size now.

Paws would push the woman closer, a gentle bark sounding out in greeting. "Azalea!" Epiphron called out, her voice always seeming to increase in pitch around her family, lacking its normal contained quality. Around most of the pack, she was an Alpha; but around her family, she was quite willing to let down her guard and let her worries go, even if only for a short hunt. "I must say, you're growing up far too quickly," she commented with a grin as she nodded in greeting, briefly nudging her niece's neck.