
Dancing With Cinderella


10-30-2014, 05:40 PM

Kar could have looked for other wolves to be with instead of Nalyda throughout his life, but the male was one who believed that things happened in life with good reason. He didn't regret choosing her, cherishing his beautiful mate and the three children they had together. He had some regrets, but his family was not one, nor would it ever be. He would chuckle as the active pup hopped up and down his back. She was so happy, so joyful and full of life. A laugh would leave him as he watched her chase her own tail. Oh youth, so innocent and pure. He'd grin, seeing her soon get up and get in a play bow.

Kar would rise as well, letting out a playful growl of his own as he dropped in a play bow of his own. His daughter would weave between his legs and, wearing a grin, he would watch her as she squirmed a little before he lifted the right one to let her out. But playtime would be forgotten as he too heard the growl of her stomach, and the male's eyes would shine. "Hungry huh? So how about some breakfast?" He'd wink at his daughter. He could take her over to the pound that he found in the area. He could catch a fish, probably one that would be more than enough for his little girl. He'd stand up, motioning with his tail.

"Come on then my little one. Let's go catch us some breakfast!" He'd grin, jogging in the direction of the pond so that she could keep up.

Speech, Thought