


10-30-2014, 07:02 PM

Winter was approached, and, with each day, Hypnos worked on his own personal training. His leg grew stronger, he grew stronger, able to keep up a better gait and for longer periods of time. He still had a noticeable limp, sure, but he was making use of himself. He would be strong, able to hold his own in battle one day. His leg, however, would always be a weak point. The weakened bones, if bitten hard, could break easily enough. But Hypnos would not allow himself the reminder of that threat. No... the boy pushed all dark thoughts of failure out of his mind. Blocked out the relation of his sire and dam to him. He was Chrysies' son. It was the will of the gods that he still walked this earth, and damn any poor excuse his dam made, any threat. She would not touch him.

Ears would prick to the sound of a call. A call for him. Hypnos tried to think of the man's name; Kapras?us? Yes he believed that was right. He was one who Katja had assigned to be his mentor, though what the man would teach him Hypnos didn't know. With a yawn the boy would lift himself from the ground. With a shake of his fur the youth would set off, ears perked as he emerged into the world of autumn.

The days were getting colder. The nights were even more-so. He didn't like the cold... he liked being warm. Warmth made it easier to sleep. Another yawn would leave him as he found the other male, approaching him and dipping his head to his elder. "Good morning, Kapras?us."

Walk "Talk" Think