
It's Just The Cards I Drew


10-30-2014, 07:21 PM

Peace would be interrupted so soon. Too soon. Senses had not picked up on the aroma of the intruder, the breeze had washed it away from her. But words would blend in with the clashing of waves - words in which would once again tether her to this inescapable world. Quickly and defensively she would rise to her limbs, marbled eyes narrowed against the sun as they set upon the silhouette that approached. The gal appeared decorated in warm colors, and seemingly injured. Galactic form would slither toward the stranger to get a closer look. Something inside whispered that this woman and herself was somehow connected. Indeed. My name. . . my name. . . Words would all of a sudden grow weak, a woozy sensation falling over her. Venus.

With the last word, her name, trembling legs collapsed beneath her and she fell heavily upon the sand. Mind was conscious, but the weakness was unimaginable. Perhaps, from a spike in blood pressure due to the extra crimson liquid her body had created to support the parasites within her body. Breathing was shallow and vision grew cloudy. Ah, what a pitiful warrior she was. Demons and devils had been defeated by her claws, yet minuscule puppies could bring her to her knees.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts