
Cast your net and see what you catch


10-30-2014, 07:37 PM

Kau would chuckle softly when she lifted her gaze to him. His little play on how pale her coat was seemed to be ignored, but that was fine. He could keep going, if he must. But the game did not yet seem lost. The white brute, marked with black and brown, would continue to eye her with his purple orb, that grin not fading from his lips. Ahh, so it would seem even she might want to play. How she circled around him, drawing her tail against his form. The man would shudder, the pleased grin on his face growing wider still.

"Perhaps at first, my dear. But no longer. You look as though you know exactly where you are." The words would seem to fall from his mouth sweet as honey. As fur brushed against his own Kau would shiver again, turning his head towards her again. He resisted the urge to give her a playful nip. "Little temptress, might I have the pleasure of a name? Or will I be left to wonder?" She knew what she was doing. She had that air about her. This was going to be fun.