
If you don't quit I'ma lose my Sh**


10-30-2014, 07:49 PM

It was the laugh that drew the man in. A single purple orb would shine as he approached the other male from behind. He was young, just another boy. A year, he could only really be a year old. A smirk would cross Kau's face, head tilting slightly to the side as he approached at a slow pace. Oh what was this? Such a familiar sense he got from the young man. Oh yes, Kau knew the laugh of madness. The laughter that sounded in his skull. It was enough to make him want to join in, really, but oh he would hold himself back. It was time to test the waters.

"The world is an amusing place, isn't it?" He would ask, his voice a cooing tone. "So young for you to be seeing the world in that light, isn't it? But I know that laugh." Kau would smirk, his tail swishing back and forth. How was this to play out? Would there be blood? Aggression? Would he stroke the younger one's corrupted soul, encouraging it further into darkness? So be it. Whatever happened; So be it.