
what will the world offer us? [PUPPY THREAD!]

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
05-20-2013, 09:43 PM

Newt's voice reached his ears, and he turned and nodded seriously in her direction. Mother's word was law, simple as that -- Basilisk had no reason to argue with her. Play until they were cold, then she would feed them. With little hesitation, the large pup padded after his sister, wishing Sal would join them but not feeling terribly upset if he didn't.

Purple eyes widened, marveling at the sights as he slid from the protection of the den. The rain was cool, soaking his fur slowly, not quite chilling him to the bone, but he knew he would get very cold if he spent long out here. "They're almost as big as daddy!" He teased, snorting a bit, knowing very well that the tall trees were much bigger than their father. Basilisk lifted his own snout to sniff at the bark, blinking as rain threatened to invade his eyes.

He turned to watch as Ameiva teased their brother, a very faint scowl lining his features. But the boy was silent, thinking Sal could fight his own battles. Truthfully, Basilisk wasn't nearly as inquisitive as Ameiva, and didn't over-think things like she seemed to. Without thinking much, he turned to prance after his sister, attempting to tackle her to the soaked ground, nipping at her ear briefly.