
Field trip [Noel]



4 Years
10-30-2014, 10:34 PM
She smiled just slightly as he continued to offer her his assistance for her wounds. There certainly was a determination in this boy, wasn't there? She tilted her head over her shoulder slightly just to see if she could see them, but her wind-swept looking fur patterns hid them pretty well. She was sure that they had gone through their healing cycle at this time. During their travels she had managed to open them every time they managed to heal, but now she had relaxed enough to let her body do it's thing. There was no need for herbs. Instead she just smiled to the boy over her shoulder. "Thank you anyways."

When he delved into his story she looked back out at the ocean, watching the waves once more and allowing it's lullaby to lull her back into a relaxed state. She liked it here, and she hoped whatever home she managed to find would be close enough to the sea. She hoped. Her ears perked as she listened to the boy, humming in places to let him know she was listening quite intently. So he had lived in peace his life. It made sense why he was so adament about healing her wounds, he didn't know what it was like to get a new one each day. It was only when the blood wouldn't cease that she worried, or when the wound was more severe. But this, this was nothing but a scratch to her. "Peace.." She breathed, almost as if talking about something voodoo. There was no peace in her life, and she doubt she'd ever gain it. "Peace is nothing but a fool's dream, Noel." She said gently, sighing as she stared at the ocean.

"My brother and I were born to a pack that was viciously at the throat of another. It lasted our entire lives and had began long before we were even thought of. We were raised as warriors, we had no choice. Our home was our home, it's banner we flew, we had no choice, no ability to move through lands and pick and choose what army we wished to belong too." She whispered, eyes glazing over at the memory, ears slipping back. "Having that choice, and knowing you could pick the wrong one...that is terrifying, Noel. Absolutely terrifying." It was a truth she hadn't even shared with her brother, but she was sure he knew how she felt already. It was why she had gotten so determined in her mission to fill in the blank spots on her map, to fill in her knowledge. She was terrified that the path she chose for them would be the wrong one that would end in more than just a few more battle scars. She was terrified.

"Burn Baby Burn"