
Wren x Bass Babies!



5 Years
10-30-2014, 11:00 PM (This post was last modified: 11-03-2014, 08:04 PM by Herne.)
beauty queen on a silver screen

i know i'm livin' the dream

name Sparrow Sartaddi-Destruction

gender Female

alignment Chaotic Good

appearance White base with dark chocolate color on her front half, excluding her left front leg and lower muzzle. Pink nose. Gray 'eyeliner' beneath both eyes and lines above her eyes. Dark emerald eyes.

design 2

personality Sparrow has never been one to do things halfway. Her passion for life will be evident from birth; always, she will pour her heart and soul into whatever she does, whether that is exploring or interacting with friends and family. She will be full of fire and passion and enthusiasm will be an integral part of the way that Sparrow interacts with and views the world. This does not necessarily mean that she is joyous all the time - no, sometimes, Sparrow will be explosively angry, and when she is angry she does not do things halfway either. Her anger can be a strong force, and when angry, Sparrow does not bite her tongue.

The fact that Sparrow is very impulsive does not always mesh well with her passionate nature. She does not often think things through, and is less likely to look before she leaps than many wolves. Sparrow has ideas and then jumps to enact them, rather than taking the time to consider how they might get her into trouble. This especially will often get her into sticky situations as a child, though she may grow out of it with time.

Sparrow will always tend to look out for herself first. She's self-centered, though this does not mean that she will harm others. Really, it just means that Sparrow will make sure that she is safe when push comes to shove. She is not purposefully malicious, but it could come across that way to others, something that she does not properly understand. Empathy for others is a bit of a foreign concept to this girl. Not much beyond herself matters enough for Sparrow to attempt to understand it.

She will also be very self-confident, and this plays a role in her flirtatious nature. As Sparrow will consider herself beautiful outwardly (she is aware that her appearance is rather unique and is quite proud of this) and also will view her personality in a positive light, she will come to view herself as all around irresistible to those around her. This will manifest itself in bold statements as a pup, though she will become more subtle as she matures and grow to be very flirtatious towards wolves outside her family of any gender without any sort of selection.

Very idealistic, Sparrow tend to view the world as the best possible place that it can be. She will be naive in this way, and unless anything out of the ordinary and very negative happens to her, it is unlikely that this part of her nature will change as she grows. Being raised by good wolves in a pack that is oriented towards the good side of things will cause her to view the world as a whole as something good and safe and beautiful. The bad things that happen in the world that do not affect her personally will be written off as flukes - however, if they impact her, she will likely react very strongly to them, as she does not believe that she deserves to be hurt by anything.

family relationships She likes her family, but isn't necessarily good at showing it. They're not going to be the only part of her life - Sparrow will be pretty extroverted and will form friendships easily, I think, and so though she will care about her family her love will not be limited solely to them.

future rank I'm thinking a messenger would fit her well.

roleplay sample She had caught this strange scent while attempting to hunt, and promptly forgetting her hunger, Sparrow had set off in search of whatever this new animal was. Sparrow had never scented it before on Abaven territory, which made her quite curious as to the identity of the strange creature. It had a sharp odor, one that almost burned her nose, and as she loped easily along, Sparrow found it easy to track it. The thought of calling one of her other siblings to join her never really crossed her mind - unless they were with her, she was usually hesitant to seek them out.

The scent was growing stronger, and it was making Sparrow's eyes water. She had definitely almost found it - and indeed, even as she thought this, the brown and white girl was faced with a strangely patterned black and white animal. It was small, and not particularly intimidating, and without any hint of fear, Sparrow padded closer towards it. The strange creature made a few warning sounds that were met by little more than a twitch of an ear on Sparrow's part, and she watched with some amusement as it reared back when she drew closer, stomach rumbling loudly. Hmm. It looked pretty boring, and she was rather hungry.

It was then that the stench reached unbearable levels. Sparrow let out a startled yelp as the creature sprayed that vile smelling scent at her, leaping back as quickly as she could. Her eyes burned viciously, but the only thing that hurt more than her ears was her sensitive nose, and Sparrow turned tail and fled as quickly as she could. The only thought on her mind was finding water; something, anything to soothe her burning skin and eyes.

The sound of a babbling brook reached Sparrow's ears and she bounded forward, picking up her already desperate pace. Eagerly, Sparrow splashed into the water, burying her face in it. She expected the sensation to fade immediately, and it did soothe her skin a little, but not by nearly enough. What was she going to do? This was awful!

Desperately, Sparrow tilted her head back and let out a loud howl, calling for any of her family members in the area. Maybe one of them could help her? She needed help. This was awful. Something had to help her! Sparrow was fresh out of ideas, and she needed assistance.

(written as though she was ~1 year old)

( i'm a primadonna girl )s p a r r o w ,