
Oh Hi, Haven't We Met Before?



4 Years
10-31-2014, 12:29 AM

Nona couldn't help but let a smile spread across her maw, Allen would be apart of Abaven once more and she were to become Vor. This day couldn't possibly get any better and with an outburst of excitement she couldn't hide it from her voice "I would very much like to become Vor, to help out more with the pack in terms of healing and to take care of everyone... it seems everyone has been busy lately and with the last big storm I want to be able to do more than just help handle the basic wounds" her excitement dulled down a little in place of a more serious tone "I apologize for the sudden burst of excitement Bass... today has brought me something that I can't describe besides that it is something wonderful... to know that Allen will be able to be with me and to have the honor of becoming Vor, I gladly accept your offer Bass, and soon I will hold a training session if you will allow me to if it wouldn't interfere with anything" her voice went silent for a few moments.

Her attention became focused on Allen again wanting to hear what he would say in response Bass's question. Nona couldn't help but chuckle "You know Allen regardless of what you do, I'm going to have to teach you a little bit about the herbs and stuff so you can help me... my paws are going to be full soon and I would very much appreciate your assistance over the seasons to come my love but I won't burden you too much with having to assist me... the lack of healers here is why I ask of your assistance" Nona had a feeling though that he would assist her if she asked him, it was just the kind of man Nona thought he was as her shield to protect her and her pillar to support her. She would also be his shield and do her best to protect him and his pillar to support him. No longer would she have to wander from Abaven to be with him and now he would be here with her.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-