

Oberon I


3 Years
10-31-2014, 08:50 AM

you gotta show the world that something good can work .

The other hardly seemed to react to Oberon's appearance, he noted with a hint of amusement. Like himself, she seemed to be in control of her emotions, and if she had been startled by Oberon, she made no outward sign of it, simply responding to his words as if this kind of thing happened to her every day. Of course, it was quite possible that it did - Oberon knew nothing about this stranger's life. "Mostly the latter," Oberon observed solemnly, twitching his muscular shoulders beneath his pelt. The cold would settle into his bones before long, and that would be as dangerous as a rampaging bear. Perhaps even more so - the cold was deceptive and it made you feel warm before it killed you. Nature worked in strange ways.

With that, Oberon glanced thoughtfully at the other wolf. How long had she been out here? If she was as captivated by the ice as she seemed to be (he had grown uninterested swiftly), how long had she been out here? He did not suppose that he wanted to see any wolves die of hypothermia any time soon. Oh, he'd been saying something, hadn't he? A few seconds late, Oberon continued, "Though I wouldn't argue the former." Nature was as captivating as it was deadly, he supposed. He could never forget the glittering waters of his home, the way that they lit up every night and how they had entranced him for hours on end.

He wondered idly if those lands were still claimed. Perhaps he would seek them out next. His family home would hold no secrets, but it was possible, he supposed, that his sisters might have stopped there out of sentimentality, leaving him a scent trail to pick up if he chose. "Oberon Illiadis, by the way." Oberon introduced himself idly, voice still cool as he turned his gaze once more towards the slate colored female.