
Ma Lumi�re

Thaddeus Rogue

05-20-2013, 11:27 PM
Thaddeus Rogue had seen many things in his day. He had been from one strange land to the other, one corner of the world to another, seen some good things and many bad things. But there is one consent in his life, and that is his family. He had not realized that until he had made his way back to them and found them in the thrall of happiness as the next generation entered the world. It was then that Rogue had been hiding the one thing he desired more then adventure and understanding, he wanted his own mate and pups; he wanted the one thing he did not thought he needed, love. And that small revaluation came to him as he watched the love of his life open up to the world around her. He was helped by non other then his litter mate, Gargoyle; and that hit Thaddeus's pride, she was the only thing he could think about since the day he meet her and he had left her, his traveling urges getting the better of him. But now? Now Thaddeus Rogue was done with his vagabond life style, well at least for long trips that took him far, or separated him from his Ayala. So it was time to tell his brother that he wished to stay, forever, and live out the rest of his days with his family and his love.

Thaddeus Rogue walked the length of the dens looking for his siblings, he wanted to tell them the good news, for not only will Crusade and Gargoyle get there wish of his eternal companionship but he was going to gift them with the news of him and his mate. Which always brought a bit of a twinge of guilt. Recently his family had lost someone very important to them, Rogue had not known her well but he knew that she had been adopted into the family, and that his siblings where mourning her. But he could not help it, Thaddeus had not wanted much in his life, he had been content with little food and the thought that he was going some good in the world to make up for his failures, but one thing was for sure, Thaddeus Rogue wanted that lovely black and white woman, with the shadowed red eyes, eyes that showed her soul at war with what she was told all her life. He had saw her beauty and had wanted to bask in it, to roll about in her scent and just look at her. He wanted what he never got from anyone other then family members; for that emotion was burning in him from the very moment he set eyes on her.

He wanted to tell his family that he was adding his love, the light of his life, sa lumi?re, his Ayala, to there family. Hoping beyond hope that they will accept him and his choices in this grave time and let just that bit of joy lift them up just that tinny bit, for even though he and his family is grieving Asheni, life will go on, and the bastard that had done it will die.