
Sweet Sacrifice (Family Meeting)


11-02-2014, 11:27 AM

(OOC: I don't think Croa got Lukario accepted so if they don't post just skip)

Alvin would be running around in the tall grasses of the plains, plunging himself at the grasses that seemed to be moving differently from the wind. But after about seven tries without finding anything beneath his paws, a call would strike out for him not too far of a ways. Though he felt like he owned the world, he still didn't escape too far from the den.

Eyes would roll as he noticed it as his mother, but he would jump up and trot to the den where they called home. Tinaro would be there, looking up at their mother with his puppy orbs almost confused.

"What the hay, mom. I was out playing."

Tiny haunches would slip to the ground, back curved in a crescent as he sat more to his back than his butt. He would look away, playing it cool although he didn't really care what they were here for. He knew to come to mother when she called, but otherwise he would run off just to be away from her and the others. Even if it was just to lay in the plains and stare at the grasses as they swayed. How boring.
