
Demons Never Die [Meeting]



05-21-2013, 01:10 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Never before had she been prone to bouts of unhappiness, but the lean little grey wolf seemed to find herself caught within the greedy claws of one such episode now. The last time she could recall ever feeling so down had been just after the mass exodus, when finding the Valhallan pack after becoming separated from them seemed to be such a tremendously impossible feat. It had been so bad and so heavy that were it not for Leon and his never ending optimism she was sure to have been set back by the depressing feelings that had weighed on her.

Leon. And that was where part of her foul mood stemmed from. The absence of her dearest and most trusted friend pained her much more than she wished to admit, and try as she might to hide those feelings, masking them behind anger that he should simply disappear without first at least letting her know of a prolonged absence, it did no good when she was alone. Which she had been a lot of lately. Her leg injury was healing slowly and while she waited for it to mend she spent her days hiding out inside the Adravendi wolf's empty den, letting the last of his scent linger while she healed both physically and emotionally. Had he been near, her injury might have been made more tolerable by his company, but without that small spark Ashtoreth felt out of sorts. Edgy. Listless.

The call of the once Valhallan leader Cairo caused her ears to perk from where she rested her head upon the cool stone of the den's interior, her gold and purple colored eyes training themselves outside of the den. That was odd. Would it not have been more appropriate for Collision to call a meeting, considering his position as Alpha? Confused, and more than a little reluctant to move with her leg still on the mend, Ash took a moment before carefully forcing herself up onto her three good paws, still gingerly holding her injured hind leg aloft while allowing her toes to merely rest against the ground. Still sensitive, she was reluctant to place too much weight upon it just yet. She really did need to seek a healer for it.

She blinked and hobbled out of the den into sunlight, the air chill despite the brightness. The weather was starting to make the slow and casual turn into winter, and she could only hope that her leg might heal itself well enough before she and Thane would need to properly tend to the pack's stores of food before the worst of the weather set in. It took her some time and much hopping and limping for her to finally arrive at the gathering. Familiar and unfamiliar faces alike stood or sat, mingling or waiting in silence. Ashtoreth's two-toned eyes scanned over the faces, smiling at those she recognized and taking note of one in particular who still had not shown. Discouraged but unwilling to let it show, the petite female reclined upon her haunches with care and sat awkwardly, attempting to discomfort her leg as little as possible, as she set her gaze forward to Cairo. Beside him sat his family, along with another, one she was not sure to have been knowledgeable of before. Assuming there to be some significance to the male's presence as hinted at by his position beside the blue-eyed ruler, Ash patiently and quietly awaited the outcome of the meeting, still occasionally glancing about at those who would arrive after her.