
taste my beating heart...


11-02-2014, 07:44 PM

Miniature demon would sashay her way through the lands, leading Mercy in silence for quite some time it seemed. She would transition flawlessly between paces, trying not to tire out her new ward. Night was beginning to fall when they finally arrived at the boarder and she would slow, pausing for a moment before she would turn around and grin slyly at Mercy, jerking her head in a motion for Mercy to follow. "Come my dear, lets see if the king has been visited by the sand man?" Her words were a sweet purr, chuckling as she loped forward, head high and ears pricked as she tail flew behind her. She looked joyous, happy, at ease. Lower jaw would unhinge as tongue lolled out over her teeth. They had gotten almost half way there when a thought struck Dione. She needed a present! Oh yes, a gift for the king. Maybe a mouse or a bird perhaps? Head would thrash too and fro as she looked around, looking around as she tried to figure out what would work best. What present would be deemed worthy of her king!?! "Wait here my sweet!" She would squeal, not looking back at the big white girl as she turned and darted to her right. A groundhog maybe! She had decided on a rodent, yes a rodent would be suitable for her king. She would find one and wound it and then bring it for him to kill so he could share in the kill. The meat would be fresh and warm still then. Oh yes perfect! It would only be a few minutes of sticking her head into holes in the ground before movement would flash to her right. Oh perfect!

Skull would snap up and immediately long limbs would propel her towards it. She moved in the most efficient manner, body bending perfectly as she streaked after the little brown creature. Squirrel. Not as exciting but she didn't want to keep her dear waiting. The squirrel would try and corner sharply but Dione was quicker, left paw slamming down and spinning her body as jaws came down to clamp down on the squirrel's body. She would aim to grab it around the neck and upper body but instead tiny jaws would close around it's rib cage. She snatched the squealing creature off the ground, giving it a good shape to try and shut the creature up. It would begin to silence to a quieter squeal and whimper as Dione loped back to Mercy, jaws bloodied but smile wide. Again she would jerk her skull, motioning for the girl to follow before starting off towards Valen's den again. As they approached Dione would slow, crouching down into 'stealth' mode and smiling. Head would snap and toss the wounded and now once again squealing creature into the depths before dropping into a laying position. Ears would fold to her skull as she whimpered slightly, tail thumping against the ground. Was he even in there or would she have to go get another animal to bring to him elsewhere? She would let out a bark, hoping he was within but if not maybe he was nearby and would hear her.


Table by Namaste