
Walking Is Like Flying, Right?

Motif I


4 Years
11-02-2014, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2014, 09:44 PM by Motif I.)

Still laughing, the girl recognised the competitive streak that spurred the little fuzzball on. As he picked up speed she kept herself to his old pace, allowing him to spur ahead of her for a little while. Unwilling to make it look like an easy win she kept herself close behind him, laughing at the paths he picked through the earth, and for the fun of running with a friend. She wasn't weary, she didn't know how much trouble a little pup could find itself in with an activity as simple as running, in fact she had let him push ahead a little longer when he would find himself about to collide with an ill-placed log left over from the storm that had ravaged their territory.

She yelped when she realised his folly and spurred ahead, she was too late he was already tripping over the log as she arrived at her teeth clamped shut over empty air where the scruff of his neck had been a moment earlier, she was just seconds late from closing her teeth around his fur and pulling him to safety. She paused, disorientated for a moment before leaping lithely over the log that stood small for her but large for her foolish little friend. She moved to wear he lay and first she gently pried his leg free of the bramble bush he had managed to catch himself in. Honestly, he did a good job of making this a big a mess as possible. It was slow work to pry the leg free with minimal damage and to gently pick free any remaining burs and licking gently at the cuts. After that, she had no idea how to care for him, she knew some basic first aid and then her knowledge ran dry when it came to healing ? ask her analogize a fight, fine! Tell her to heal an injury and she was way out of her depths. She worked her jaw and thought for a moment ? Harmony was out and she had sudden inspiration that this might be a good chance for Rhythm to see what she could do ? the pup wasn't seriously hurt, some cuts and a sprain and perhaps helping this little life would help give her the confidence she needed to give healing a real go. She smiled and licked the pup on the cheek comfortingly. ?Your going to be just fine? she promised him, and raised her head to howl for Rhythm.
