
In My Stronger Moments



5 Years
11-03-2014, 07:56 AM

It would appear that luck was on her side. As the once-Queen stood waiting, sheathed in cold air and all the scents of a packland she did not know, she wondered if Katja would come at all. Perhaps a subordinate would, one who was less fond of visitors... But instead, the dark woman appeared. Distance marred her form, but in time it became as clear as the uncertainty written upon her companion's face. Fear flared in her gut, and a pained twinge would flicker across her features. The fire of righteous anger extinguished in a blink, and once more she was a small, sad creature. Was Katja disappointed, as Valeriya had been? Was she resentful of the ashen fae's absence? Raisa had fled the land with barely a word in farewell, had abandoned all she built and thrust it on Katja's shoulders. She drew in a deep, shuddering breath. There were not many words she could speak with confidence, and it would seem that even those she had were in limited supply. "I-I'm... Sorry." Her tone, ragged and fractured, held a degree of wonder.

Katja... A proud warrior, a noble woman, and a natural leader. Made of steel where Raisa had been reduced to rust. It was a powerful thing, standing in her presence, and it would seem she had lost none of the empowering charisma that had so attracted the ex-Queen in the first place. Steady as always. She bowed her head, admitting her shame and wrong-doing. "Please... f-for-" Gods, this one was difficult, "-Or.. give me." Humiliation blanketed the woman like a coat of thorns. It dug at her, caused her skin to flush and her coat to heat and bake her in her shame. To stand before her friend, a woman of indomitable strength, so broken and useless. It was not an easy thing to bear.

Koros, taking pity on his master, stepped forward. He blinked moisture from his eyes the moment it appeared, hoping it would go unnoticed. "Hello again, Lady Katja. You look well." He stood on awkward courtesy, trying to buy himself some time. He opened and closed his mouth several times, licked his lips, scoured his mind for the words that would explain... At last he began. With a deep bow, he said, "We beg your forgiveness, my lady. We have burdened you unduly, unfairly. A despicable thing. We have come to you, prostrate and begging your vengeance for our cruelty and failure." A heavy sentence, but no less true. Raisa had gone to great lengths to convey her exact feelings on the matter, through many stumbles and fragmented words. He knew how her pride must sting to show such frailty in Katja's presence, and his heart would clench for his master's state.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!