
everybody loses it -


05-21-2013, 10:42 AM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

As the female shrugged in response to his question, he found himself already becoming a bit irritated. The woman said she wanted to have a conversation, but wouldn't answer a simple question. Just a shrug. He shook his head slightly, shaking off some of the water as he moved only to have it replaced by newly falling drops. Seraph maintained his stoic posture as the female came traipsing toward him, not bothering to let his eyes follow her as she circled him. Something seemed off about her.

The brute stored that thought in the back of his mind as her melodic voice filled the air again. Was she giggling? Seraphim scoffed, disappointed. She was a typical female, nothing interesting about her - unless she was playing dumb, but in his experience that didn't happen often. Women usually were what they behaved as. He thought back to his earlier idea, and added this question to it. In training to become his pack's alpha he had a learned a lot about evaluating others, and about never underestimating them. It was obviously applicable here, though he wasn't sure why. He thought hard on it and decided that there was no way that she was as stupid as she was acting. He had seen her earlier posture, the way she held herself so regally. Simple whores never carried themselves like queens.

He debated ignoring her question, as she hadn't actually answered his, but decided against it. If he wanted to know what she was up to he would have to engage her. Mr. Unpleasant probably would've been a more fitting title, but sadly my parents didn't think of that. He maintained his narrow gaze and continued to speak without emotion. I must also point out, dear lady, that your foolish act is not so clever. I was hoping to have an intelligent, or at least blunt, conversation if I was to have one at all. However, if you're going to act like the common female you clearly are not I'm afraid I'll be disappointed.

My name is Seraphim, by the way. And who are you?

Tagged: Morphine | Word Count: 351