
there's nothing holding you back



8 Years
Extra large
11-03-2014, 02:23 PM

Sun lit gaze would linger on her form as the silence ate away at the moments they would stand across from each other. He?d beg for a second chance mentally, but in reality the last action he would have expected she?d take would happen. Her form would move swiftly to his side, pressing herself against his chest and burying her face in his neck. At that moment he?d feel the same sense of relief flood through him, tall frame would relax as he let himself drape over her form and hold her close like he never thought he?d do again. She would remain silent but pull herself back to find that their gazes would meet.
Shai didn?t know how he?d been able to betray such a woman as Gwena, and though he would aim to erase the memories of her hurt he knew that they would always be a haunting reminder of the deeds he?d done. He?d press his nose to hers as he found himself in complete awe of her presence. The silence would continue its hold on the pair, as he was just as unsure as she when it came to the future. As long as she allowed him to hold her this close he didn?t care what was in store. Softly he?d gaze into the depths of her pristine violet pools breathing much easier than he had in days. "I?ve missed you," he?d finally whisper to her, teh relief apparent in his dark vocals.

"yoruban" "english"

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