



6 Years
11-03-2014, 02:36 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2014, 07:14 PM by Caeto.)
I will be able to take on another character. I can pay for an extra pup if needed!






(this will be written like my other profiles, take a look if you want)

As a pup, Necrosis wants nothing more but to go out and have fun. He can be loud and rambunctious and often wants to wrestle with his other siblings. But he is easily put into place and corrected when told. He is easily influenced by his mother, it only takes a few scoldings to get it through his head. He becomes unsure on what he is allowed to do, and refrains from leaving mother's side at all costs.

As an adult, Necrosis acts as a slave to his mother. He will do absolutely anything she demands, but sees no fault in doing so. He follows her just about anywhere unless told to leave. He addresses her as master (Or we can talk about what he should call her) and never considers her as his mother unless told to. He neither holds a friendly, nor evil attitude. He acts more as a puppet with no emotion whatso-ever.


Necrosis Lydia-Red (Neh-cro-sis Lid-ee-ah Red)

Necrosis is a small wolf, with a thin, flexible frame. He stands at 28 inches and weighs 81 pounds. He holds an average build that fits well with his slim body.

Necrosis is a base color of black, but has an unusual teal colored blanket. His entire head is black and ends between his two front legs covering his entire chest. From the back of his skull to the tip of his tail fades from a dull blue to a dry green, the color gently blending in the middle; this shows the color traits from both his parents. All four of his legs are black, and from his legs comes an unusual pattern that appears to be holding his teal color onto his body like a harness. Both of his eyes are a shining red that glow off his black face.

Necrosis always holds the gaze of an empty vessel. He has absolutely no emotion. His ears stay tilted backward and his posture isn't over-powering or submissive.

user posted image

RP Sample:

Where was she? What was he to do now? Who would be there to control him?

The dark male rose his nose to the air trying to scent his master. She had told him to stay back, but he couldn't just leave her. He craved her demand, he thirsted for her abuse. But he knew better than to come running back to her after she commanded him to leave. He would stay close to her aroma, it made him feel safe, feel needed. If she would call him back he would be there instantly, hopefully she would be pleased with his quick response.

He couldn't remember the days where he called her mother. Was she even considered a mother? He couldn't tell the difference, he knew of nothing else. All he needed to know was that no place was safer than by her side. He wouldn't have to ever worry about pain other than from her. Mother always knew best, right? So what did he have to worry about?