
I Won't Be Backing Down Tonight


11-03-2014, 03:12 PM

Kylar had taken them, both of them. Amarant wanted to go with his grandfather, the term "father" catching his ear. But he only hoped that Rune would have won the challenge so that he wouldn't have to be stuck with Colten. He would force his way to go with Kylar, even if it meant running away. But what now?

Ebony paws came to the first treeline of the orchid. Remembering the last time he had been here, he drew a line in the ground facing Secretua to keep track on how to get back, though he wasn't going back.

He was here for only one reason; Isolde.

He was old enough now to notice Rune as Eirik's father, and Kylar being Maia's he had finally had the knowledge to put things together. Isolde had his markings, or maybe he had hers. Either way the two were related somehow and he was here to figure it out.

This was where he say the woman, seemed like forever ago. Maybe it was. In that time so much had happened, but was she really interested in that? They had only met once, they weren't really friends. Amarant would let a call, a call he had made for his mother only. The howl would only hurt his throat with stingers as he dropped his chin back down and waited.

Walk "Talk" Think
Image By A Lovely Kat