
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


11-03-2014, 03:21 PM

His supposed grandfather and uncle would depart but he didn't notice or care. A familiar pale shadow slipped in, her soft voice pitying them both. But he had no time to react to her sympathy as his brother lashed out. Harsh words would echo in his soul, puling his ears back tighter and causing his body to shrink down against the earth. His eyes pleaded with his brother to understand, but his brother continued to rain down hell on him. I hate you. The words cut so deep they would force the air from his lungs, his eyes widened in disbelief. No. His brother couldn't hate him. He had been gone but surely he didn't deserve his brothers hatred. Vision blurred with unshed tears and he spun, tearing from the den without another world. He would rush into the rain, almost immediately becoming soaked just in time to see his uncle back away from the larger brute. Confusion swept over him, their blood tainted the air and tensions ran high. His gaze would flicker back and forth between them, not understanding why they had been fighting. He stood, tail drooping useless between his legs, ears pulled back and his head hung nearly to the ground. His grandfathers words echoed in his mind. His mother wanted this stranger to take care of him and his brother. Was this why they were fighting? Was his uncle trying to prevent them from being ripped from their home, the one thing that was left in this world that they both knew. With each drop of rain that struck his skin, his young heart would become encased on a icy tomb, forever to remain locked away from the world, from the heartache and pain that could only ensue from here.
