
In My Stronger Moments



5 Years
11-03-2014, 05:39 PM

It was with a heavy head that Raisa waited for the woman's judgement. A reaction, anything that would remove this oppressive weight that had troubled her for so long. This woman who had done so much for her, for her family. She had been faithful to Raisa in ways the once-Queen would have never fathomed. She had taken her dedication, her oath to remain faithful, farther than Raisa could have imagined. At last she burst forwards, tone as harsh and grating, and Raisa feared all was as she suspected. I'm sorry, she thought in the smooth languid voice that had once been her own. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Onwards, Katja would speak, at first in a language she did not understand, and then, "Raisa Xanilov begs forgiveness of no one."

It... It did not make sense. Her bi-colored gaze would raise hesitantly, hoping to find an explanation in Katja's eyes. Instead the dark warrior would approach, bearing a strange emotion in the lines of her face, the light of her eyes. Raisa was too stunned to flinch. "It is I who failed," Katja claimed. Raisa tried to speak but the words would not come, so she resorted to furiously shaking her head back and forth. Why couldn't Katja simply understand? Tears began to well in her eyes. She tried to speak again, and again and again but she could not. Oh, she was useless! And then, to see Katja lower herself...

"No!" Raisa cried out, at a volume she could not recall possessing since her fall from grace, and with an urgency she was having trouble comprehending. It was just... just wrong. At her weakest moment Katja was her superior, a hundred times over and she was utterly failing to comprehend that! "No, no, no!" Her volume grew, her clarity, her speed. In the heat of her anger her body began to work in ways all but forgotten to the haggard once-royal. She moved to place a paw under the woman's chin, attempting to draw her upwards. "Your oath was fulfilled in the purity of your intent, and one thousand times over you are forgiven!" Forgiven for slights Raisa could not even fathom, but those which seemed to plague the dark alphess all the same. Her anger was upon her like a storm, hot and indignant. She was too wrapped up in the emotion to realize that she had spoken her first full sentence in many long months. Koros looked at his master with slack-jawed abandon, while she stood fuming, waiting for Katja to pick herself up and kick Raisa's ass like she was supposed to.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!