
We are together now



4 Years
11-03-2014, 07:21 PM

(OOC: Liquid timing this thread just a little bit since it would take place after the thread that has Allen joining Abaven again and Nona taking the rank of Vor)

Nona was quickly making her way around trying to gather the herbs she once had so she could restock on them. The storm wiped out her collection but she wanted to see if she couldn't find anymore. After all she was Vor now and had to step up her game if she were to impress Bass with quickly being able to pick up her new rank and help out more. When she could get enough herbs to provide to her fellow healers she would begin to hold training sessions for them. She did tell Allen that she was going out today to look for herbs and that she might need some help. Nona smiled and chuckled a little as she sat down where she was as she waited for him.

Spending some time with Allen while doing the task she set out for herself would help calm her racing thoughts. None of them were bad thoughts but since becoming Vor she had little time to even think about relaxing for right now anyways. It seemed that Abaven was springing to life as of late in more ways than one which somewhat had Nona excited but more so that Allen was with her now at the moment not in body but he was here in the pack with her. They would both be rather busy but she wouldn't let that stop her from trying to spend time with Allen. Not after he gave up where he was living to come live with her in Abaven. Nona playfully let out a howl for Allen, perhaps they could spend some time together while looking for the herbs she needed to restock on.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-